The wall base above a roof

This is another very interesting example of a thoughtless design. The picture shows the top of the roof slab and the base of the prefabricated adjacent wall with the sleeve openings for a wall AC unit. This condition is typical; there is a row of similar AC sleeves to the left and right. The finished roof will consist of several inches of tapered rigid insulation, cover board, and the roofing. This will be the high point of the roof. The total thickness of roofing layers will reach approximately 8" at the wall base. Next 8" of height are needed to create a proper flashing termination on the wall per NRCA, to prevent any water leakage on the roof perimeter. However, the measuring tape, this kind gentleman kindly agreed to hold for me, shows approximately 6 3/8". This means that there would be a conflict between the sleeve and roofing because either the flashing would cover the AC grille, or roofing would drain to the interior via the sleeve. The conflict was resolved by redesigning the adjacent apartments by relocating the AC units to the side walls.